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Backup Solutions

HomeYour ExerboticsBackup Solutions

Analyze, Repair, Back-up

eARB You have invested in Exerbotics for a multitude of reasons.  From day one you are beginning to collect valuable data for your clients from range of motion to testing and assessment to critical exercise / rehab progression.

Don’t put your data or your business at risk.  Subscribe to the Exerbotics eARB service today for protection and peace of mind.

With your subscription, you will get:

  • Nightly automated analysis of your database for consistency and structural integrity
  • Automated nightly repairs of minor database errors for optimal performance and long term health
  • Preemptive emergency alert to Exerbotics engineers when a critical error has occurred and needs human intervention
  • Off-site back-up for total database recovery in the event of a fatal error
  • Full database labor warranty for the life of your subscription

To subscribe, visit our store today and take advantage of the 30 day no-obligation trial.

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